Design levels and prototype your tile based games. On your computer, tablet or phone. Anytime, anywhere.
Rule-based brushes
Set up rule-based brushes for terrains, platforms and other features by assigning rules to sprites, so the appropriate sprites are automatically chosen depending on their neighbors. Built-in support for bitmasking, 47-tiles and 4x4 tiles terrains.
Tile definition classes
Set up tile definitions with various animation settings, background and tint colors and override their sizes and offsets on the grid. Additionally, you can assign variables and values to them and write custom scripts for tile definitions.
Sprite management
Import and slice your sprite sheets, remove opaque backgrounds by specifying a key color and set up tile bitmasks and brushes right within the sprite sheet editor and export them to rule brushes.
Auto terrain
Automatically generate an entire 47-tile terrain set from a single sprite. Adjust corner radiuses individually, and optionally stamp decal sprites on different sides. Export generated terrains as PNG and further edit them in your image editing programs.
Auto brush
White box your levels and puzzles with generic tiles and define auto brush regions that automatically transform them into high quality environments. Swap environments instantly without having to redraw levels.
Multi-layer level design
Create multiple boards per level and benefit from onion tools to draw on different layers with ease. Export levels as PNGs or ASCII-based scripts. Use Quads to add non-grid based 2D entities to your levels.
Fully-customizable boards
Adjust the grid size of boards individually, as well as modifying the horizontal and vertical gaps, background colors, alpha blending modes and tint colors. Each object in a level has its own parallax settings to enable parallax scrolling effects.
Create and draw patterns
Draw repetitive areas by creating patterns from a selected set of tiles. Stamp them with precision, or use the rectangle or ellipse fill tool to paint the pattern in a repetitive style on a designated area. Patterns can be created from any board and drawn on different boards or even other levels.
Color palettes and pixel art
Import color palettes, create your own, and draw solid colors on grids. Create your pixel art directly in Ed, export them as a linked-sprite sheet back to the sprite sheet editor and slice them into sprites, redrawing them on your game levels. End-to-end, from pixel art into games, can be achieved without ever leaving Ed.
Design anytime, anywhere
Ed is available on your desktop, tablet and even iPhone. Open your Ed files on your mobile device and design your game on the go. Export to Unity from your mobile device. Cloud sync and team accounts coming soon!